The basic concepts in Servant Leadership have had an enormous impact on leadership thinking and culture. Even today, the idea of servant-leadership is referenced by thought leaders and consultants like Simon Sinek. Nevertheless, the fuller implications of Greenleaf's work seem to me to be neglected. Reading the original book again, I am struck by the many ways Greenleaf extends the idea of servant-leadership beyond his introductory essay. The popular notions of servant-leadership fail to capture the expansive implications Greenleaf saw for his ideas to impact our society and institutions.
Chapters 2 and 3 shift the focus from "servant-leaders" as individuals and apply the concepts to institutions. Because servant-leaders are a different kind of leader, the institutions in which they thrive will take a different form. But the measurement of success that Greenleaf advocates is the same for institutions as for individual leaders:
The only sound basis for trust is for people to have the solid experience of being served by their institutions in a way that builds a society that is more just and more loving, and with greater creative opportunities for all of its people.
Greenleaf is particularly critical of boards of trustees, both of corporations and in the non-profit sector. I have served on boards that fit his description well - boards with little energy, little passion, little engagement. I have seen boards that were simply stuck in old traditions and routines, too comfortable with business-as-usual to dare to strive for excellence. Greenleaf believes that the consequences of such indifference are dire:
Unless the quality of large institutions can be raised, not much can be done to improve the total society.
Fundamentally, institutions do not receive the attention and affection they need. We often fail to afford the kind of care and concern for our institutions that they deserve, perhaps taking for granted that others will fill the gap or just succumbing to our general suspicion of and frustration with institutions. What is needed is a renewed commitment:
...these institutions are seen by too many of us, even some of us who are trustees, as impersonal entities to be used and exploited. Most people do not give to institutions the human caring and serving that they give to other persons.
I do think that in the years since Greenleaf's book was released, much work has been done to address non-profit boards and to foster more engagement and accountability among board leadership. I am less familiar with work in the business world. But one particular idea from Greenleaf remains, so far as I know, wholly unaddressed. Greenleaf calls for a transformation of the role of executive director/CEO. This idea I found quite compelling, and wholly absent in my personal experience:
To be a lone chief atop a pyramid is abnormal and corrupting. None of us is perfect by ourselves, and all of us need the help and correcting influence of close colleagues. When someone is moved atop a pyramid, that person no longer has colleagues, only subordinates. ^[Greenleaf, p. 76]
Instead, Greenleaf borrows an idea from ancient Rome - primus inter pares or "the first among equals." It isn't clear exactly how this would work, though Greenleaf does his best to outline the change in roles. As best as I could understand, both in the executive leadership of institutions and on their boards, a primus inter pares would serve as a key facilitator who employs the principles of servant-leadership to move their colleagues to consensus. Coercion would be lessened or eliminated from power structures and persuasion would become more important. The best ideas would, in theory, win the day and consensus would ensure institutional strength, alignment and excellence. No single person would be expected (or allowed) to direct the institution without building a consensus from a group of peers. Boards would hire leadership teams - not just the ED or CEO - and all of the team would be accountable to the board. In Greenleaf's imagination, much more would be expected of boards in terms of time and energy than they typically offer. But the work would be spread across more people who are working together to build consensus out of a passionate commitment to the institution.
I really do wonder if this was every earnestly tried. It feels to me that in the years since Greenleaf's work we have actually moved in the opposite direction, expecting more and more from our top leaders, and rewarding them with extravagant salaries and lavish praise. It is not at all evident that we have better institutions and a better society as a result. Would our institutions be more excellent, as Greenleaf understands define excellence, if they had adopted an executive structure like he suggests?
In light of our current cultural moment, Greenleaf envisioned something strikingly different.
And one of the good consequences, in my judgement, is a greater disposition of able people, especially among the young, to work in teams rather than to strive to be prima donnas - not so much for idealistic reasons as because the word is getting around that it makes a more serene and fulfilled life.
It is not hard to imagine that our leaders are suffering from a severe lack of serenity and fulfillment.
A few additional notes:
- Looking to the next chunk of the book, I intend to skip ahead a bit and write a post on Greenleaf's thoughts about servant-leadership as they apply to the church. This is really what I am most interested in, so I look forward to completing the relevant sections and compiling my notes here.
- A recent study released by the Pew Research Center suggested that church decline in the U.S. may have stalled or plateaued. (If a trend stops at a low point, should I say "valleyed"??) This article in the New York Times offers a summary. It is not clear if this change in trends is a positive thing - for Christendom or the world.
- I have found Rev. Benjamin Cremer's substack to be helpful these days. Check it out if you need something more (or better) to read.